Dr. Regan Hurt
Physician Assistant
Texas, United States
Dr. Hurt practices at 2 locations. See details below.About Dr. Hurt
Dr. Hurt is an Physician Assistant Specialist in Waco and Paris, Texas. She graduated from medical school in 2008. Dr. Hurt accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Epiphany D) Dr. Hurt works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Hurt has officesOffices
Number of officesHospitals
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
WACO Office
Phone: (254) 537-1265
7106 New Sanger Rd
Waco, TX - 76712-3928
PARIS Office
Phone: (903) 785-7546
911 Lamar Ave
Paris, TX - 75460-4681
Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data
Specialty | HCPCS code | Code description | Service Count | Beneficiary count |
Physician Assistant | 11102 | Tangential biopsy of single skin lesion | 66 | 63 |
Physician Assistant | 17000 | Destruction of skin growth | 140 | 117 |
Physician Assistant | 17110 | Destruction of up to 14 skin growths | 57 | 45 |
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 90.4/100
PI category score 85/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 90/100
MIPS Final Score: 93/100