Dr. Angelina Rodriguez
Nurse Practitioner
Texas, United States
Dr. Rodriguez practices at 2 locations. See details below.About Dr. Rodriguez
Dr. Rodriguez is an Nurse Practitioner Specialist in Waco and Woodway, Texas. She graduated from medical school in 2015. Dr. Rodriguez accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Certified ) Dr. Rodriguez works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Rodriguez has offices9
Number of offices0
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
WACO Offices
Phone: (254) 772-9480
820 Jeffrey St
Waco, TX - 76710-4745
Phone: (254) 666-5454
1700 Woodgate Dr
Waco, TX - 76712-8600
Phone: (254) 776-9681
1900 Hwy 6 W
Waco, TX - 76712-9729
Phone: (254) 666-2164
9114 Royal Ln
Waco, TX - 76712-8469
Phone: (254) 772-8900
401 Owen Ln
Waco, TX - 76710-5558
Phone: (254) 772-0610
5900 Clover Ln
Waco, TX - 76710-2809
Phone: (254) 753-0291
1400 Lake Shore Dr
Waco, TX - 76708-3718
Phone: (254) 752-1075
2320 Lake Shore Dr
Waco, TX - 76708-1276
Phone: (254) 235-7801
7801 Woodway Dr
Woodway, TX - 76712-3860