Dr. Edrick Lopez

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

Texas, United States

Dr. Lopez practices at 2 locations. See details below.

About Dr. Lopez

Dr. Lopez is an Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Specialist in El Paso and Frisco, Texas. He graduated from University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine in 2010. Dr. Lopez accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment. 
The medical group (Epmed, Pa) Dr. Lopez works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.

Full Name
Edrick Lopez

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Interventional Pain Management

University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine

Graduated class of



Clinician Enrollment ID


Number of cities where Dr. Lopez has offices


Number of offices


Number of hospitals

Office Locations

EL PASO Office

Phone: (915) 598-7246

3215 Gateway Blvd W
El Paso Pain Center Pa
El Paso, TX - 79903-4225


Phone: (469) 269-0083

8810 Lebanon Rd N Texas Pain Ctr Center
El Paso Pain Center Pa
Frisco, TX - 75034-8688

Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data

SpecialtyHCPCS codeCode descriptionService Count Beneficiary count
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitatio 20610 Aspiration and/or injection of large joint or joint capsule 25 16
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitatio 27096 Injection procedure into sacroiliac joint for anesthetic or steroid 30 25
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitatio 64483 Injections of anesthetic and/or steroid drug into lower or sacral spine nerve root using imaging guidance 60 37
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitatio 64494 Injections of lower or sacral spine facet joint using imaging guidance 45 29
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitatio 64635 Destruction of lower or sacral spinal facet joint nerves using imaging guidance 31 17

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 72.4/100
PI category score 80/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 79/100
MIPS Final Score: 86/100

MIPS Scoring

Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician Performance
Quality category score: 78.3/100
PI category score 65/100
IA category score 40/40
MIPS Final Score without CPB: 78/100
MIPS Final Score: 84/100

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