Dr. Steven Bray
Internal Medicine
Texas, United States
Dr. Bray practices at 3 locations. See details below.About Dr. Bray
Dr. Bray is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Dallas and Prosper and Mckinney, Texas. He graduated from University Of Texas Southwestern Medical School At Dallas in 1999. Dr. Bray accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Questcare ) Dr. Bray works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Bray has offices5
Number of offices0
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
DALLAS Offices
Phone: (214) 355-9001
Presbyterian Village N
8600 Skyline Dr
Dallas, TX - 75243-4198
Phone: (214) 376-1701
Grace Presbyterian Village
550 E Ann Arbor
Dallas, TX - 75216-6718
Phone: (214) 827-0813
1260 Abrams Rd
Dallas, TX - 75214-4850
Phone: (972) 978-3999
190 N Preston Rd
Prosper, TX - 75078-8794
Phone: (972) 548-9339
8300 Eldorado Pkwy W
Baybrooke Villlage Care And Rehab Center
Mckinney, TX - 75070-5946