Dr. Carin Lacount
Texas, United States
Dr. Lacount practices at 5 locations. See details below.About Dr. Lacount
Dr. Lacount is an Optometry Specialist in Lockhart and Fort Worth and Elgin and Buda and Manor, Texas. She graduated from Illinois College Of Optometry At Chicago in 1994. Dr. Lacount may accept Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Jacob Fami, Jeffrey L., Elgin Visi, Buda Visio, Manor Visi) Dr. Lacount works with does not accept Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Lacount has offices5
Number of offices0
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
Phone: (512) 398-7600
1001 W San Antonio St
Lockhart, TX - 78644-2421
Phone: (888) 964-6681
2413 E Loop 820
Healthdrive Eye Care Group
Fort Worth, TX - 76118-6933
ELGIN Office
Phone: (512) 285-2015
1205 Hwy 290 E
Elgin, TX - 78621-2018
BUDA Office
Phone: (512) 295-0076
3310 B Fm
967 Suite A 108
Buda, TX - 78610-3436
MANOR Office
Phone: (512) 778-2015
11300 Us Hwy 290 E
Suite 220
Manor, TX - 78653-0397