Dr. Jamie Kirby
Family Medicine
Texas, United States
Dr. Kirby practices at 4 locations. See details below.About Dr. Kirby
Dr. Kirby is an Family Medicine Specialist in Athens and Bryan and Lindale and Tyler, Texas. She graduated from Texas A & M University System, Hsc, College Of Medicine in 2006. Dr. Kirby accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Dcs Medica, Christus T, Mother Fra) Dr. Kirby works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Kirby has offices7
Number of offices1
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
Phone: (903) 292-5015
1115 E Tyler St
Athens, TX - 75751-2145
BRYAN Office
Phone: (979) 703-1832
3201 University Dr E
Suite 135
Bryan, TX - 77802-3481
Phone: (903) 266-4000
3203 S Main St
Christus Trinity Clinic
Lindale, TX - 75771-7727
TYLER Offices
Phone: (903) 839-2585
3593 E Grande Blvd
Christus Trinity Clinic
Tyler, TX - 75707-1400
Phone: (903) 510-8888
630 S Fleishel Ave
Christus Trinity Clinic
Tyler, TX - 75701-2041
Phone: (903) 531-5010
5414 S Broadway Ave
Christus Mother Frances Hospital
Tyler, TX - 75703-1335
800 E Dawson St
Christus Mother Frances Hospital
Tyler, TX - 75701-2036
CMS Certification Number: 450102
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 85.2/100
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 85.2/100
MIPS Scoring
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Overall Clinician PerformanceQuality category score: 85.2/100