Dr. Laura Davis
Physician Assistant
Texas, United States
Dr. Davis practices at 4 locations. See details below.About Dr. Davis
Dr. Davis is an Physician Assistant Specialist in El Paso and Austin and Marble Falls and Bastrop, Texas. She graduated from medical school in 2000. Dr. Davis accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
The medical group (Texas Onco) Dr. Davis works with accepts Medicare approved amount as full payment.
Number of cities where Dr. Davis has offices7
Number of offices0
Number of hospitalsOffice Locations
EL PASO Office
Phone: (915) 599-1313
7848 Gateway Blvd E
El Paso, TX - 79915-1815
AUSTIN Offices
Phone: (512) 873-8900
12221 Renfert Way
Suite 300
Austin, TX - 78758-5453
Phone: (512) 447-2202
4101 James Casey St
Suite 100
Austin, TX - 78745-1145
Phone: (512) 427-9400
6204 Balcones Dr
Austin, TX - 78731-4214
Phone: (512) 421-4100
901 W 38th St
Suite 200
Austin, TX - 78705-1165
Phone: (830) 798-0149
104 Max Starcke Dam Rd
Marble Falls, TX - 78654-2100
Phone: (512) 308-9024
3107 Hwy 71 E
Bastrop, TX - 78602-5158
Doctors and Clinicians Utilization Data
Specialty | HCPCS code | Code description | Service Count | Beneficiary count |
Physician Assistant | 36415 | Insertion of needle into vein for collection of blood sample | 119 | 51 |